
Monday, December 5, 2016

DRDT-2 and laser

Got my DRDT-2 dimpler in the mail a few weeks ago, and finally got it setup.  I built a sturdy "shelf" for it alongside one of the benches.  After using it for the Vert Stab skin, I'll probably move it back some and make it easier to remove.

The black box holds the batteries for the laser.  I realized when doing the practice kits that finding the correct position for the aluminum sheet over the dimple dies was pretty hard. When you are making 1000s of dimples, any little help is worth it.  So I splurged and got the $25 cross laser.  Its pretty slick:

It puts a super easy to see cross hairs on your work piece.

Here's me and Cora dimpling the VS skin.

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